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Prinzess Tiffy's Page!
Hey Everyone! Welcome to my page -n- I hope you enjoy it!!

Hey! What's up?! Its me.. TIffany!! For y'all who Don't know... I'm 14 years old and I'm a 9th grader at Morrow High School... =) This is my NEW webpage.. (duh).... Newayz.. I would like to say hey to my best friends: Karen, Tia, Mindy, Frances, Jacinta, Sam, Samantha, Lisa, Lisa, Jessica,Amanda, Amanda, Christine, Dannielle, Rachel, Traci, Alli, everyone I forgot.. and everyone in Korea.. HEY!!!

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Hey!! To Contact me... Email me at: tygeyer@aol.com, AznPrinzess@goosehead.com, or AznDreamer@ihateclowns.com...(i HATE clowns...)lol..
Anyways... I'm going to try to update this website daily!! k?! I havn't changed my other ones very much, but I'll update this one as much as I can. K? Newayz.. I live in a little (very) "town" called Rex in GA!! I'm an Army brat, so I've moved a lot. I'm also an ONLY child.. haha.. So I don't have any siblings! =) Well.. On with my page...!~

Anyways... My website Is gonna be about yours truly... and my friends!! YAY~! Lol.. Newayz... um.. Like alwayz.. I'm really entirely bored... If any of y'all got nothing to do this summer.. give me a ring.. -n- maybe we can do something, k? For my phone #.. You gotta alredy have it..I'm not giving it to ppl I don't know!!

ANywayz.. Welcome to My site.. Hope you enjoy!Heehee.. Like I said.. Enjoy my page!!-n- check back a lot!! k?

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